Are you reading Onboarding Matters with your team?
If your team is reading Onboarding Matters, there is a good chance you will have questions that Donna Weber can help with.
A popular way to get better results from your team’s reading experience is to participate in an Ask the Author Anything.
Common questions that get asked during these sessions include things like:
What's the difference between the handoff and the kickoff?
What's the difference between onboarding and implementation?
How can you prove your company’s value to your customers?
How can you prove your team's value to your company?
How to align your team to roll out Orchestrated Onboarding™?
Bring your most challenging onboarding questions for customer onboarding expert Donna to solve.
This Ask the Author Anything package includes:
A guided team journey for approaching and reading Onboarding Matters
Team discussion guide to generate great ideas for your organization
Exclusive resources and templates for you and your team to leverage right away
20-minute prep call with Donna to understand your business and the primary objective of your Author Ask Me Anything
A short customized preview video from Donna to get your team excited before the discussion
A 60-minute Ask the Author Anything session with Donna Weber facilitated over Zoom or Microsoft Teams; includes permission to record the session
Up to 20 signed copies of book for your team (additional fees for shipping outside United States)
Bring your most challenging onboarding questions for customer onboarding expert Donna to solve in this Ask the Author Anything session. ​
Here's what one team shared after their Ask the Author Anything session.
"Donna Weber did an Author Q&A with our Thought Readers community and I was blown away by the value she provided. Not only did she provide exceptional answers to the questions we asked, she was quick to share visuals to support what she was talking about which took the learning experience to a whole new level. You can tell someone is an expert in their field when on the spot, unprepared, they can deliver such incredible value. The Author Q&A leaves you wanting more from Donna because you can instantly see how valuable her expertise is for your organization."
~ Lisa Larter, CEO and Founder of the Lisa Larter Group

Pick Donna's brain on any topic you choose.
Address pressing challenges & opportunities
Take existing customer onboarding and enablement to the next level
Brainstorm quick wins, first value, how to scale
Ask for advice, pitch an idea, share your solution
Gain career guidance
Acquire knowledge on book writing, publishing, & promotion
May include appropriate resources & templates
Limited to three sessionsM0% discount).

Whether in person or virtual, people rave about Donna's presentations. Donna is an engaging presenter who loves to interact with her audience.
Contact Donna to speak at events, on panels, for podcasts, Webinars and guest blogs.
Remote presentations are also available through Geniecast.

Looking to schedule one-on-one time with Donna? Need to purchase book copies?
Simply enter the total for that amount or session in the quantity. (For example: 1:1 session for $500 would look like $1 at 500 qty)​
Getting started has never been easier!